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10th Anniversary EditionWorkshop on
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence (AITAmI’15)

Buenos Aires, Argentina - 25th July - 27st of July 2015

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Areas of interest: include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • context awarenes
  • activity recognition
  • individual/group emotional status
  • individual/group preferences
  • mediating conflicting interests
  • non invasive sensing and interaction
  • cognitive modelling of users
  • modelling complex environments (smart homes, smart cars, hospitals, museums, transportation, classrooms, open spaces, etc.)
  • intelligent interactive systems
  • multi-modal interfaces  (voice, image and video, bio-signals, handwriting, etc.)

as well as…

  • agent-based approaches to AmI
  • applications (health, industry, teaching, supporting group collaboration, etc.)
  • responsive/active architecture
  • innovative applications of AI to Ambient Intelligence
  • traditional relevant areas of AI (KR, reasoning about actions, spatio-temporal reasoning,  CBR, planning, uncertainty, learning, belief revision, vision, decision-making, etc.)

The workshop is open to all members of the IE community. If restrictions in the number of participants apply due to room size preference will be given to participants who have an accepted paper and the rest of the participants will be selected according to background and order of registration.